Bodies in Treatment: The Unspoken Dimension
Edited by Frances Sommer Anderson, Ph.D.
Published by The Analytic Press
"Having been intrigued by new theories that connect mind and body, and puzzled about the body treatments my patients sometimes talk about, I found this book a revelation. It discloses a startlingly wide range of body-focused thoughts and practices, extending from the use of unworded representations in talking treatment to evocative action directly on the body, with illustrations of many combined treatments between them. There is an especially useful balance of patient phenomenology and practitioner accounts. What is really an eye-opener is the variety of rationales and theoretical apparatuses that underpin these practices, referring to cognitive psychology, recent neurophysiology, the technology of Yoga and much less familiar, far more radically different ways of thinking." - Lawrence Friedman, M.D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Weill-Cornell Medical College
Relational Perspectives on the Body
Edited by Lewis Aron & Frances Sommer Anderson, Ph.D.
Published by The Analytic Press
"In recent years, psychoanalytic investigation has focused so extensively on the intersubjective and interrelational that we could lose sight of the importance of bodily experience and bodily phenomena. In this timely collection, Aron and Anderson have brought together clinicians writing at the leading edge of psychoanalytic scholarship to examine the place of the body within the intersubjective context. All of us have a psychosomatic potential, and in Relational Perspectives on the Body psychoanalysis continues to struggle with the body/mind matrix, the role of the body in self-organization, gender issues and the body, and the meaning of bodily expressions on the psychoanalytic stage. This book will be of immense interest not only to psychoanalysts and other mental health professionals, but to everyone intrigued by the workings of the psychosoma and the body-mind relationship." - Joyce McDougall, Ed.D., International Psychoanalytic Association
Breaking Out of Pain
Andrea Leonard-Segal MD (Author), Eric Sherman PsyD (Author), Arlene Feinblatt PhD (Author), Frances Sommer Anderson PhD(Author)
"As a practicing Retina Surgeon/Ophthalmologist who trained at, taught at, and has access to some of the best medical institutions in the world, it was only my personal interface, as a patient, with John E. Sarno, MD that led me out of my own inexplicable 'Health-Scare' labyrinth. In Breaking Out of Pain, a beautiful compendium of essays on the pioneering work of Dr. Sarno, several leaders in the field of mind-body science remind us that a leading diagnostic question for all patients needs to be, 'How are YOU doing and feeling in this thing called LIFE?'” - Michael J. Cooney, MD MBA, Managing Partner, Vitreous Retina Macula Consultants of New York, Clinical Assistant Professor, New York University Grossman School of Medicine
"Dr. Sarno's seminal contributions to the field of Mindbody Medicine are duly honored in this collection of essays, commemorating his 100th birthday. I have been impressed by Dr. Sarno's work for decades. Fortunately, the impact of his ideas PERSISTS in recent paradigm shifts in the mainstream understanding and treatment of chronic pain." - Andrew T. Weil, MD, Founder, University of Arizona Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine
Pathways to Pain Relief
Frances Sommer Anderson, PhD, SEP (Author), Eric Sherman, PsyD (Author), MD John E. Sarno, MD (Foreword)
Based upon the pioneering work of John E. Sarno, MD, Pathways to Pain Relief offers the stories of seventeen patients who recovered from back pain, sciatica, and other pain disorders which were emotional in origin…. These stories are shared to help people searching for relief from pain and those who support them….. Written by two therapists who worked with Dr. Sarno for over 30 years, and including input from their patients, Pathways to Pain Relief offers ideas and inspiration to explore the emotional circumstances related to the development of pain…. For those who have read Dr. Sarno’s work, about 25% find that psychotherapy is essential for success. Pathways to Pain Relief provides greater depth about the emotional and therapeutic aspects of recovery through psychotherapy. These innovative concepts have already produced gratifying results for thousands of patients suffering from psychophysiologic pain disorders.
Caminos Hacia El Alivio Del Dolor (Spanish Edition)
Frances Sommer Anderson PhD (Author, Photographer), Eric Sherman PsyD (Author), John E. Sarno MD(Foreword), Sergio Quiros Villalobos (Translator & Designer)
Caminos Hace el Alivio del Dolor está basado en el trabajo del Dr. John E. Sarno, Profesor de Medicina de Rehabilitación, en la Escuela de Medicina de la New York University. El Dr. Sarno fue pionero en impulsar la idea de que una amplia variedad de trastornos del dolor son de origen psicológico. Los trastornos psicofisiológicos, a los cuales se les solía llamar trastornos psicosomáticos, son uno de los aspectos en el campo de la medicina mente-cuerpo, el cual recientemente ha experimentado un gran auge.Lo que distingue a Caminos Hacia el Alivio del Dolor es que adopta la posición de que el dolor musculoesquelético y otros trastornos psicofisiológicos podrían originarse de experiencias psicológicas con el fin de actuar como un mecanismo para proteger al individuo de alguna angustia emocional insoportable. Frances Sommer Anderson, PhD, SEP, psicóloga con licencia en el estado de Nueva York, posee un Certificado de Especialización en Psicoterapia y Psicoanálisis por parte de la New York University y un certificado de Practicante Somático Experimentado (SEP) por parte del Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute. Ella practica profesionalmente a tiempo completo en la ciudad de Nueva York. Su más reciente publicación, Bodies in Treatment: The Unspoken Dimension (The Analytic Press, 2007), es una colección editada de artículos a la vanguardia de las exploraciones teóricas y clínicas de la comunicación no verbal en el proceso psicoanalítico. Junto a Lewis Aron, ella coeditó el libro pionero, Relational Perspectives on the Body (The Analytic Press, 1998), el cual es reconocido como una gran contribución con respecto al papel del cuerpo en la teoría psicoanalítica contemporánea. La Dra. Anderson es una de los Miembros de Junta fundadores de la PPDA (Psychophysiologic Disorders Association). Eric Sherman, PsyD, psicólogo con licencia en el estado de Nueva York, recibió su certificado de Especialización en Psicoanálisis y Psicoterapia del New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis. Él conduce su práctica privada a tiempo completo en la ciudad de Nueva York. El Dr. Sherman es uno de los Miembros de Junta fundadores de la PPDA (Psychophysiologic Disorders Association).
Psychoanalytic Articles
Lane, R. D., Anderson, F. S., & Smith, R. (2018). Biased competition favoring physical over emotional pain: a possible explanation for the link between early adversity and chronic pain. Psychosomatic medicine, 80(9), 880-890.
Anderson, F. S. (2017). It was not safe to feel angry: disrupted early attachment and the development of chronic pain in later life. Attachment, 11(3), 223- 241.
Anderson, Frances, Sommer. "Pathways to Pain Relief—An Introduction1." Attachment: New Directions in Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy 9.1 (2015): 19-28.
Laura (pseudonym) and Frances Sommer Anderson (2015) My Other Yoga: A Patient's Journey On and Off the Mat. In Yoga Therapy: Theory and Practice (eds.) Ellen G. Horovitz & Staffan Elgelid. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
Anderson, F.S. (2009) Experiencing Embodiment: A review of Embodiment: Creative Imagination in Medicine, Art, and Travel by Robert Bosnak. New York: Routledge, 2007. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 45:150-153.
Bringing the Body into the Work." The Bulletin of the Association of Child Psychotherapists, Issue No. 185, February 2008, pp. 15-20
Anderson, F. S., ed. (July 2007), Bodies In Treatment: The Unspoken Dimension. New York: The Analytic Press. (Download PDF Brochure)
Anderson, F.S. (2007) "At a loss for words and feelings: A psychoanalyst reflects on experiencing bodywork" In Bodies in Treatment: The Unspoken Dimension.
Aron, L. & Anderson, F.S. (2004) Il corpo nella prospettiva relazionale. Bari-Roma: La Biblioteca. Translated by Arnetoli, C. & Pacifici, M.P.
Anderson, F. S. (2001) "No matter how hard I try, I can't get through to you!!: Dissociated affect in a stalled enactment. In: Hungers and Compulsions: Contemporary Perspectives in the Psychoanalytic Treatment of Eating Disorders and Addictions, ed. J. Petrucelli and C. Stuart. Northvale, N. J.: Jason Aronson.
Aron, L. & Anderson, F.S., eds. (1998) Relational Perspectives on the Body. Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press.
Anderson, F. S. (1998), Psychic elaboration of musculoskeletal back pain: Ellen's story. In: Relational Perspectives on the Body, Aron, L. & Anderson, F.S., eds. (1998) Hillsdale, NJ: The Analytic Press, pp.287-322.
Rehabilitation Medicine Articles
Anderson, F. S. (1988), Psychosexual issues in rehabilitation. In: Rehabilitation Medicine, ed. J. Goodgold. St. Louis: C.V. Mosby.
Feinblatt, A., Anderson, F. S. and Gordon, W. (1986), Psychosocial and vocational considerations. In: Principles of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in Musculoskeletal Diseases, ed. J. C. Leek, M. E. Gershwin, and W .M. Fowler. New York: Grune & Stratton.
Anderson, F. (1984), Sexual problems of patients with neuromuscular disease. Medical Aspects of Human Sexuality, 18 (11).
Anderson, F. and Bardach, J. L. (1983), Sexuality and neuromuscular disease: A pilot study. International Rehabilitation Medicine, 5: 2l-26.
Anderson, F., Bardach, J. L., and Goodgold, J. (1979), Sexuality and Neuromuscular Disease, Monograph #56. New York: Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Bardach, J. L. and Anderson, F. (1979), Sexual therapy in rehabilitation. In: Current Perspectives in Rehabilitation Nursing, ed. R. Murray and J. Kijek. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby.
Anderson, F. (1977), Sexuality in muscular dystrophy and related disorders. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Abstracts.